Sandbach's own 'lionesses' watch their heroes make history in Euro 2022

By Deborah Bowyer

1st Aug 2022 | Local News

Sandbach ladies's first team captain, Amy Barber (second from right) with some of her team mates yesterday.
Sandbach ladies's first team captain, Amy Barber (second from right) with some of her team mates yesterday.

It's come home – and Sandbach celebrated in style to see the Lionesses romp home to victory in their win against Germany last night.

Sandbach United's Cross Bar was heaving with spectators who watched the game – including the ladies' first team.

As reported last week, Sandbach United has a growing number of females joining the game at the club with more set to follow after the Lionesses won the Euro 2022 beating Germany 2 – 1.

Sandbach United's captain of the ladies' first team, Amy Barber (24) was there with her teammates to see yesterday's big match.

She said: "It was amazing. There was a heart-stopping moment when Germany scored but we fought back and played brilliantly.

"What a night! I hope it's inspired more females to take up the game and show how the younger players can progress and develop."

The Cross Bar celebrates the Euro final

Elsewhere in Sandbach the town celebrated in style in what was the first major tournament any England squad has won since the men's team won the World Cup in 1966.

At The Lion, there were big cheers and people were dancing on the tables as England scored the winning goal in yesterday's match.

One party goer said: "It was an electric. Everyone went crazy when they realised we'd won. I have never heard anything quite like it."     


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