Rail enthusiasts ask readers to help track down Sandbach sign thought to be in New York

Callling all readers – are you travelling to the Big Apple and could you help the Friends of Sandbach Station track down an historic sign?
One half of an original 1950s sign Sandbach platform sign has been restored and put up at the town's station. Nub News told how an Ettiley Heath couple here. had donated the sign to the station and the Friends of Sandbach Station (FOSS) But now FOSS is searching for the other half of the sign – the back which they believe might be in New York. FOSS chairman, John Scarrott said: "I was told a while back that the sign was in TGIs in New York but when I Googled I found there are many TGIs in New York which makes it hard to track down. "I did write to TGIs and got an email back saying they would look into it but I never heard anything else. "It would be lovely to find the other half of the sign which we could then put with the one side which we have." Ettiley Heath couple, Kieran and Angela Preston bought the old Sandbach station sign dating back to the 1950s at an auction of memorabilia in Crewe. The couple originally planned to put the big sign at the end of their garden nearby to the railway line. But they converted the garage where it was being stored into an office and found the sign no longer had a home and gave it to FOSS. Blacksmith, Andrea Hughes, who runs Andrea's Anvil at Hall Farm in Alsager worked her miracles on the corroded 10ft by two ft Sandbach station platform sign. The talented Andrea watched her work being unveiled as we told here. at a town ceremony. But will she get to work on the other half of the sign? Let's hope Nub News readers help track it down. If you're going to New York and see the sign in TGI Fridays please let Nub News know.Share: