Coast-to-coast charity walk to help project in Kenya smashes all targets

A coast-to-coast walk to raise money for a family project in Kenya has raised more than £6,000 and smashed all targets.
Sandbach man, Colin Dalton and the rest of the group were hoping to raise around £2,000 for the New Hope project in Kenya,
The team walked nearly 90 miles – the equivalent of three marathons – from Wallsend to Solway Firth as we revealed in this story here ,

But the fundraising has been such a success that more than £6,000 has been raised and more money is still coming in.
Colin said: "Thanks ever so much to everyone for all the support. We were aiming originally for £2k and hoped for £3k. We are talking with New Hope regarding what we should do with this unexpected windfall.
"Every single penny you donate goes to New Hope and the surrounding community. "
The JustGiving page is still open and donations can be made here
Now the group is busy organising their annual 80s disco on October 7th and a Facebook page has been launched for the event here
All proceeds from the disco will be used to ensure there is clean water for a year for the two villages the project supports - water has been disconnected on a number of occasions this year already.
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