Plans refused for dog grooming business

By Nub News Reporter

26th Jun 2024 | Local News

Plans for a dog grooming business on Newall Avenue have been refused on the grounds of potential noise and traffic concerns (Image - Google Maps)
Plans for a dog grooming business on Newall Avenue have been refused on the grounds of potential noise and traffic concerns (Image - Google Maps)

Plans for a dog grooming parlour on Newall Avenue have been refused by Cheshire East Council. 

The plans were part of a 'retrospective' application - meaning the dog grooming parlour already exists, and this application was a way of securing official planning permission. 

The proposals sought the council's permission to turn some domestic outbuildings on the street into a dog grooming and canine fertility / breeding clinic. 

The plans were rejected on the grounds of potential noise and traffic disturbance - more specifically, the planning officer argued that there was insufficient information in the plans regarding these two areas. 

Due to this insufficient information, potential noise and traffic impacts could not be assessed, and the plans were therefore refused. 

A call in request was received from Cllr Corcoran, which said: 

"I have received numerous complaints about the noise disturbance from dogs held on Newall Avenue. 

"The barking and whining of the dogs causes disturbance and distress to nearby residents. The noise is particularly disturbing at night in a residential area. 

"The proposed change of use would disturb the amenity of the area."


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