Property of the Week: Quaint former railway worker's cottage retaining much of original charm
This week's property in Station View, Sandbach is kindly brought to us by Stephenson Browne.
By Deborah Bowyer
8th Aug 2023 | Property of the Week

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This week's property in Station View, Sandbach is kindly brought to us by Stephenson Browne.
Belle Smith, branch manager at Stephenson Browne in Sandbach said: "Forming one of a row of former railway worker's cottages and retaining much of the original charm, this home is located within the Elworth with amenities close to hand."

In brief, the accommodation comprises of lounge, breakfast room, kitchen and to the first floor are two bedrooms and the bathroom. Externally, there is a low maintenance yard to the rear and to the front is desirable off-road parking.

In detail, the lounge has UPVC double glazed front door and window to the front elevation, wood effect laminate flooring, two wall lights, exposed Cheshire brick fireplace & wall with inset cast iron log burner, built in cupboard to side of chimney breast, radiator, exposed beam and latch door to kitchen.

The kitchen has a good range of wooden wall and base units with wooden work-surface over, tiled splashback, space for electric cooker, space and plumbing for washing machine, inset Belfast sink with mixer tap, tiled flooring, white ladder style radiator, three ceiling light points, UPVC double glazed window to the rear elevation, exposed beam and under stairs storage cupboard with latch door.

The breakfast room has UPVC double glazed windows to the side and rear elevations, UPVC double glazed door leading out to the garden, tiled flooring.

On the first floor, bedroom one has a UPVC double glazed window to the front elevation, ceiling light point and radiator.

Bedroom two has a UPVC double glazed window to the rear elevation, ceiling light point and radiator.

The bathroom has a low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin, panel bath with mixer shower over, UPVC double glazed window to the rear, radiator, cupboard housing wall mounted gas combination boiler, partly tiled walls and tile effect vinyl flooring.

Outside to the front there is a patio driveway while at the rear there is a small courtyard with decking area and sand log store and right of way access for dustbins.

Guide price £150,000

This the Stephenson Browne link:
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